Tuesday, July 15, 2014


My Argentine grandmother Josefina, whom we simply called by the spanish word for grandmother, "Abuela", used to make a wonderful creamed corn for us whenever she visited us; it is called choclo, and it is usually a filling for that Argentine favorite, empanadas.  As a side note, empanadas, a pocket pastry that has its equivalent in many other cultures, such as the pasty in Cornwall and the bureka in the Middle East, to name a couple, have another variation of  a beef, hard boiled egg and raisin mixture - that is the other version of empanada I remember eating as a child.
My Mother learned to make the choclo from Abuela, and she makes it for me from time to time, if she wants it, or I guilt her into it.  Well, I guilted her into it recently, and luckily she happened to have a can of creamed corn when I did,and voila!  She made the beloved choclo.
Those are fried onions on the side, as she also cooked up a steak with fried onions.  I LOVE this choclo - it has onions it in as well,and starts out with a roux with butter and flour; salt, pepper, nutmeg and then the can of creamed corn. This is all according to feel, except for the creamed corn, it is a large can of it - Del Monte is the brand we tend to use.
I ate this up, and in fact, Mom let me eat most of it.  I felt like an 8 year old again.

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